Eat Fat - Burn Fat
Have you ever wondered why you always feel hungry sometimes (if not all the time!)? Like you just had a huge supper a couple of hours ago and you still have the munchies. That's because you haven't fed your body what it needs! Your body needs essential vitamins and nutrients that are lacking in today's modern food diet.
Not too long ago I discovered the Weston A. Price Foundation. Weston A. Price was a Cleveland dentist who traveled to isolated parts of the world in the early 1930s to discover the factors responsible for good dental health. His studies revealed that dental cavites and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth are the result of nutritional deficiencies, not inherited genetic defects.
When Dr. Price analyzed the foods used by isolated peoples he found that, in comparison to the American diet of his day, they provided at least four times the water-soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat-soluble vitamins, from animal foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish, organ meats, eggs and animal fats- the very cholesterol-rich foods now shunned by the American public as unhealthy.
When you introduce these animal fats coming from pastured animals as well as plant based like coconut oil and avocado back into your diet, you feel fuller much faster which makes you eat less! And if you try cutting refined sugars all together, you'll be amazed by the results! For me, it turned out that my sweet tooth disappeared entirely. I always had cravings for pastries, and now I don't even feel like putting it in my mouth!
So it turns out that it's not the fat that makes you fat, but the sugar and carbs that you end up consuming too much of because you didn't get enough fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. Of course there is BAD fats - the ones you find in processed and fried foods, the industrially processed liquid oils such as soy, corn and canola.
Eating more whole, unprocessed foods is one of the keys to becoming healthier. Using animal fats liberally and eating meats, organ meats and eggs from pasture-fed animals along with plenty of fruits and vegetables will stop your cravings and might take a few inches of your waste band.
It's never too late to start doing the right thing for your body. And the best part is that it feels amazing!
Animals raised on pasture not only have a happier life, they also turn vitamin-rich pasture into vitamin-rich food for us. Let's be very thankful for that.