10 Gift Ideas for the Hard-to-buy Person in your Life

Feeling overwhelmed by Christmas shopping? Don’t know what to get for this hard to buy person? Been there done that…

To tell you the truth, hubby tells me I’m the ‘’hard to please’’ one lol. Plus I’m trying to keep stuff to a minimum in my house (Ha, with 3 young kids, good luck with that!) so I usually end up not knowing where to put all this new stuff we just got!

So if you want more sustainability in your life, I have what you need to get some inspiration and check some people off your list:

1-      Offer Experiences over material things (I know it can be hard to put under the Christmas tree!) but theatre tickets, concerts, hockey game, museum… anything that fit the person’s interest

2-      Gift card can feel a bit less personal but it can be turned into a bonding/fun shopping trip with the gals

3-      For the gardener: House plants or seeds – Might as well choose one that’s really beneficial like Aloe Vera or one that purify the air (spider plant…)

4-      Dried Herbs to spice up meals when the fresh stuff is not available

5-      FOOD: everybody needs it so it can be the go to gift! Real whole foods are best or any prepared meal ready to be served is always a good idea. Enjoy friends and family’s company around the dinner table is always the best of gifts. I’ve had people buying whole chickens to give as Christmas gifts to their grown-up kids. Can’t go wrong with that, and if they don’t know how to cook it, well it’s never too late to learn!

6-      New Year’s resolutions are always a great time for shaping up. Gym cards/subscription, swimming pool card, starting yoga (include a yoga mat with that one!) or just planning on going for a walk once a week with that special person

7-      For the avid reader: books, magazine subscription

8-      A robotic sweeper for the person who doesn’t have time to clean their house (anything invented yet for picking up toys, books and other things left on the floor? I could use that one…)

9-      Home made gifts are always nice, especially made by the kids. If anything, it will get them to learn about giving and will be a great excuse to spend quality/creative time with them.

10-    Start a tradition. Tuck some pretty paper inside a glass jar. Tie on a tag instructing family members to write down one thing they loved about each day, then read them aloud every holiday season.

Let me know which one is your favorite! Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas


Estelle Levangie