Far Breton Recipe from la Bel-France Pantry

Hello there!

My friend Elodie shared a recipe during one of my Culture Exchange workshops and I thought I would share it here too. It’s a delicious and simple recipe that I love making with plums, although another friend suggested making it with blackberries (Genius!). So if you want to impress your friends or family for Christmas, give it a try and let me know how it went!



  • 130g sugar (1cup minus a finger width)

  • Vanilla essence 2 tsp (or vanilla sugar 9g)

  • 220g flour (1cup + 1/3 cup + 1 full tsp)

  • 5 eggs

  • 750ml milk (3cups + ¼ cup)

  • 20g salted butter (0.8cm thick slice or melted half of ¼ cup)

  • 2 apples

Can be made plain, or with rum/raisins, or prunes, or caramelized apples


• In a bowl, mix in the sugar + flour + vanilla

• Add one by one the eggs while whisking in between each – with the 4th/5th egg the batter will become easier to mix and whisk until smooth

• Add the melted butter and mix => so it doesn’t get lumpy and hard when adding the milk

• Add 1 cup of milk, whisk, then add the rest • Now it’s time to add the rum 😜 or another alcohol of your choice (usually about 30ml = half of ¼ cup)

• Peel apples and cut them in cubes

• Put baking paper or grease with a lot of butter a 9x9 baking pan

• Pour the batter and the apples in it

• Bake at 180C/356F for 1hr

• Ready ? It’s golden and set. Put a knife blade in the middle, it needs to come out dry.

• The cake will rise a bit while cooking, then come down once cooling down, it will be about 2-3cm thick

• Let the cake cool down then you can eat it warm or at room temperature.

• Can keep the cake for 5 days in the fridge

Check out her other French goodies at the Cape Breton Farmers Market, through the Cape Breton Food Hub and on her website!

Estelle Levangie